Understanding the Steps for Hypothesis Testing

Posted by Lauren Aronson on October 11, 2019

(Specifically for t-tests)

I have recently conducted my first hypothesis test from start to finish in python using the Northwind Company fictional database.

Starting this project, I had all the tools at my disposal, but I was having trouble understanding the steps to take to produce a thorough test from start to finish. Now that I’ve completed my testing, I have a much better understanding of the steps to take and have decided to publish my method to help others who have similar concerns.

*Please note, for this blog I will focus on Student’s t-test and Welch’s t-test only.

Step 1: Formulate your null and alternative hypothesis

  • H0 = Null Hypothesis
  • H1 = Alternative Hypothesis

Step 2: Set your significance level alpha

I will set alpha = 0.05 for the purpose of this blog. Please note, this is a common significance level to use.

Step 3: Clean and Explore Your Data

I will be skipping an explanation of this step since I’m focusing more on hypothesis testing then data cleaning/exploring databases in this blog.

Step 4: Check Your t-test Assumptions:

Check if your samples have been drawn from a normal distribution

I found the best way to go about this is to plot your data. There are a couple solutions if your samples are not normally distributed.

Please see the example below:

import seaborn as sns
sns.distplot(ctrl, label = 'Control', kde = True)
sns.distplot(exp, label = 'Experimental', kde=True)
plt.title('Check for Normality')

(ctrl = control group & exp = experimental group)

Here you can see my samples are positively skewed with a large right tail. There are a few methods I can take to make the sample data more normal. Some examples are below:

  1. Apply the Central Limit Theorem = under many conditions, independent random variables summed together will converge to a normal distribution as the number of variables increases

  2. Transform the data: for example, use log transformation

  3. Remove outliers / clean the data further

For my example, I used the following code to apply the Central Limit Theorem

# Sampling With Replacement
import numpy as np

def get_sample(data, n):
    sample = []
    while len(sample) != n:
        x = np.random.choice(data)
    return sample

# Generating a Sample Mean
def get_sample_mean(sample):
    return sum(sample)/len(sample)

# Creating a Sample Distribution of Sample Means
def create_sample_distribution(data, dist_size=100, n=30):
    sample_dist = [] 
    while len(sample_dist) != dist_size:
        sample = get_sample(data, n)
        sample_mean = get_sample_mean(sample)
    return sample_dist
ctrl_sample = create_sample_distribution(ctrl)
exp_sample = create_sample_distribution(exp)

sns.distplot(ctrl_sample, label = 'Control', kde = True)
sns.distplot(exp_sample, label = 'Experimental', kde=True)
plt.title('Samples_100_30 - Check for Normality')

As you can see, using a distribution size of 100 and sample size of 30 brings me closer to normality.

Check if your samples are random and independent

The Central Limit Theorem coding in my example above guarantees random/independent data since I used np.random.choice.

Check if your samples are numeric and continuous values

The data in my example uses numeric and continuous values.

Check if your sample variances are equal or not

This is important when deciding which hypothesis test to use. The Student’s t-test assumes variances are equal. If your variances are not equal, then you can use Welch’s t-test.

A simple way to check if your variances are equal is using the Levene Test

The Levene Test will test that the population variances are equal. If the resulting p-value < 0.05, the obtained differences in sample variances are unlikely to have occurred based on random sampling from a population with equal variances.


Based on the samples, the p-value is > 0.05 and the null hypothesis of equal variances can be rejected. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a difference between the variances in the population and you would choose to use Welch’s t-test.

Step 5: Perform your t-test

Welch’s t-test:

scipy.stats.ttest_ind(exp_sample,ctrl_sample, equal_var = False)

*If you use the Student’s t-test then simply remove the equal_var line in the code above

If the p-value is < 0.05 then you can reject your null hypothesis. If the p-value is > 0.05 then you cannot reject your null hypothesis.

Step 6: Calculate Effect Size and Power

Effect Size:

Next you want to measure the effect size to determine how large of a statistically significant difference exists if you are able to reject your null hypothesis.

A simple measurement for effect size is Cohen’s d.

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

def Cohen_d(group1, group2):

    # Compute Cohen's d.

    # group1: Series or NumPy array
    # group2: Series or NumPy array

    # returns a floating point number 

    diff = group1.mean() - group2.mean()

    n1, n2 = len(group1), len(group2)
    var1 = group1.var()
    var2 = group2.var()

    # Calculate the pooled threshold as shown earlier
    pooled_var = (n1 * var1 + n2 * var2) / (n1 + n2)
    # Calculate Cohen's d statistic
    d = diff / np.sqrt(pooled_var)
    return d

group1 = np.array(exp_sample)
group2 = np.array(ctrl_sample)
effect_size= Cohen_d(group1,group2)

For Cohen’s d, a general rule of thumb for the effect size is:

  • Small effect = 0.2
  • Medium Effect = 0.5
  • Large Effect = 0.8


Lastly, you’ll want to look at your power to determine the chance of having a type 2 error. This error is the probability that you fail to reject the null hypothesis when it is actually false. Your power will be between the values of 0-1. The closer you are to 1 means that the chance of having a type 2 error is very low.

To calculate power, you need to input your effect_size, alpha and sample size:

from statsmodels.stats.power import TTestIndPower, TTestPower
power_analysis = TTestIndPower()
power_analysis.solve_power(effect_size=effect_size, alpha=.05, nobs1=len(exp_sample))

Step 7: Draw Conclusions

The last step is to draw conclusions and recommendations based on your findings!